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The Need for an Education Foundation

A lot of people ask us “Why do we need an education foundation?” or “What does the Foundation do?”  Here is a list to help answer those questions and to highlight some of our current…

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The teacher grant applications are in!

The response to the teacher grant program, which is in its inaugural year, has been excellent.  The Foundation received 29 grant applications from teachers across the district.  The Foundation will award grants to successful applicants…

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New Foundation to Support Wallingford Swarthmore Schools

For Immediate Release, 5/31/11. Contact: Chris Reynolds or Frannie Reilly New Foundation Will Seek Private Funds to Support Wallingford Swarthmore Schools Can private funding help maintain excellent public education in the Wallingford-Swarthmore School District (WSSD)?…

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Foundation featured in WSSD Newsletter

The Spring 2011 edition of the Wallingford-Swarthmore District Newsletter describes the mission of the Foundation and introduces the Foundation and some of its board members to the district.